Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Fun does not exist?

Image result for in the flowWhat is FUN?  Does FUN really exist? Can you hold FUN? Now let me be clear, I am not saying tennis or any activity we do should not be fun. The key is understanding what fun is. According to Mike Barrell (2006) "Fun is always made up of other things."  Fun is not something you can hold, wear, or even see. Rather, fun is really a mindset that occurs when one is truly in the moment. Think about the last time you went some place or participated in an event that was FUN. Why was it fun? 
Think about that special family vacation you go on every summer. You know, the week long trip where you go to a special campsite or destination. You always like to look and see what is new, but deep down one reason you keep going back is because you will be doing the same things you did last year. Then you think about all the smells that come to mind when you step out. Your mind takes you back to a simpler time. The sites, the sounds, the smells, and maybe even some of the same people you have been seeing for a long time are always there. 
Identifying what makes things fun is so important because it keeps our attention (Barrell,2006). For children, fun is being active, learning something that interests them, being with friends, being creative, seeing their progress, and belonging. In this list I notice three key words. They are BEING, INTEREST, and SEEING.  All three of these have to do with active engagement, being in the present moment, allowing for time to just fly by.  You want to feel as if one hour has been ten minutes. This is the BEING, be present. When kids are present in something that INTERESTS them they get into the flow or the zone. The last key word is SEEING.  To be present in something that is interesting we have to pay attention. Pay attention to the task at hand, watching, taking in what is in the environment. Focus on the most important parts and leave the details out. When you start to recognized this I believe your child will be more instinctive, more aware, and have a greater enjoyment in their daily life. 

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Fall Saturday Classes are Here

Stay tuned for our schedule as we return to Encanto Sports Complex. Here is our 2021 Schedule for Saturday Mornings. Register