Saturday, October 5, 2019

It's all about the WHY

I sometimes have to wonder why I keep doing some of the things I do. It could be productive or non-productive activities. The thing is there is a WHY.  The WHY is probably the strongest factor to motivation there is. If your WHY is to find food because you are hungry, then you will search to find what you need. If your WHY is to work to provide for your family, than you will find any level of work to make sure that happens.
I think the same principle of the WHY applies to playing tennis or teaching it. Recently though I have been soul searching more about the WHY. Is the reason I teach tennis just because I like to be outside and be active? Not as much anymore, because I can find a lot of activities outside that I like to do. Is it because I have been doing this for a while and have confidence in my abilities? Maybe, but even too much lobster after a while starts to taste like soap. I think the WHY is I just love seeing the improvement and engagement of the students. The connections that are made through practice.

Fall Saturday Classes are Here

Stay tuned for our schedule as we return to Encanto Sports Complex. Here is our 2021 Schedule for Saturday Mornings. Register