Friday, April 19, 2019

April Update

April has been a wonderful month. The highlight has been the Learn to Rally class on Tuesday evening and our Beginner classes as they learn to rally using the skills we teach. Our Intermediate class has grown as well. The students in the intermediate class are learning to apply their technique in match situations.

Our Learn to Rally classes have learned how to rally using their right and left hand. They have learned how to rally the forehand using a rolling rally. This skill game teaches the student the importance of using the palm to driect the ball and creating topspin.  The students have learned to be friends with the ball and to always make it look good. They have also learned how to rally  over the net by making the winning shot. (We call the volley the winning shot).

Our beginner classes have been larger than normal so we do a lot of cooperative partner practice where the students are tossers and  hitters. Students are able to give cues to their partner regarding when to be ready, pace, and how to make it look good. Students rotate in a round robin format to give them the opportunity to play with different players and perform a different role.

Our intermediate classes have been learning how to rally the ball deep cross court, how to play the serve and return, the transition game, and doubles. Our students always perform fluency to master technique before we begin and actual lesson.

We have added a half session in May and our summer session opens for registration on April 25.

Fall Saturday Classes are Here

Stay tuned for our schedule as we return to Encanto Sports Complex. Here is our 2021 Schedule for Saturday Mornings. Register